
The Amplified Bible says it this way, “Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but he who trust in and relies on the Lord shall be surrounded with compassion and lovingkindness.” The image with the quote is from the New English Translation which uses a different phrasing, “An evil person suffers much pain, but the Lord’s faithfulness overwhelms… Continue reading Overwhelmed


Before Before all of the blessings you have brought to my life Before reconciliation Before restoration Before peace Before healing Before I could believe I would make it another day Before my heart was set free and my mind was still shrouded darkness and grief In my isolation In my pain In my sin There… Continue reading Before

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer Thank you Lord for this beautiful morning- Thank you Lord that Your mercies are renewed every morning- Thank you Lord that You already have this day laid out before                              Me and that You have a plan for this day- Lord I thank you that You make my plans become agreeable to                                  … Continue reading Morning Prayer

Prayer of Confidence

Lord I thank you… For confidence in the fact you love me- The fact that you always have my best interest at  Heart- That You are long-suffering- That You are faithful to Your Word- That You watch over Your Word to perform it- That You are the giver of every good gift- That You have created… Continue reading Prayer of Confidence

Redemption Story – Marriage

Redemption Story – Marriage  I love to tell the story of how Bob and I met.  In part I love to tell it because being married to him makes my heart happy and brings me joy.  Yes, I do love being married to Bob Baulch. However, more than that – and even more importantly than that –… Continue reading Redemption Story – Marriage